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Jacob Alexander Flickinger
(1991 - 2024)
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La maison
Roy & Giguère Inc.
2550, 1re ave Clermont-Pépin
Saint-Georges (secteur ouest)
G5Y 3P2
418 228-2263
Entreprise affiliée à la Corporation des thanatologues du Québec
Jacob Alexander Flickinger
(1991 - 2024)
Lors d'une mission humanitaire à Gaza avec le World Centre Kitchen, à l'âge de 33 ans et 3 mois, le 1er avril dernier, est décédé monsieur Jacob Alexander Flickinger, conjoint de madame Sandy Leclerc, fils de madame Sylvie Labrecque et de monsieur John Flickinger. Monsieur Jacob Alexander Flickinger était natif de Saint-Georges, vétéran de l'armée canadienne qui a aussi servi en Afghanistan.
Le cortège funèbre a débuté son parcours à 13h30 de La maison Roy et Giguère inc. situé au 2550, 1re avenue Clermont-Pépin, Saint-Georges pour se rendre en l'église Saint-Georges (secteur ouest), où le service religieux a été célébré le vendredi 19 avril à 14h.
Monsieur Jacob Alexander Flickinger a été confié au Crématorium du Parc commémoratif Chaudière-Appalaches, 2455, 25e rue, Saint-Georges.
Il laisse dans le deuil son fils : Jasper Flickinger; sa conjointe madame Sandy Leclerc,
ses parents madame Sylvie Labrecque et monsieur John Flickinger;
son beau-père: monsieur Stéphane Leclerc.
Il laisse également dans le deuil plusieurs oncles, tantes, cousins, cousines et de nombreux ami(e)s.
Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don en copiant le lien suivant:
"Mr. Jacob Alexander Flickinger died April 1, 2024, at 33 years old in Gaza while delivering humanitarian food aid with the World Central Kitchen. He was killed along with 6 other WCK teammates who made the ultimate sacrifice in their mission to bring aid, hope, and comfort to the most vulnerable.
Jacob was a native of St. Georges, Quebec and a proud Canadian Armed Forces veteran who served in Afghanistan. He was a loving son to his mother, Sylvia Labrecque, and father, John Alexander Flickinger. He was a devoted companion to his life partner. Sandy Leclerc, a proud, loving father to his baby son, Jasper, and very close to his stepfather, Stephen Leclerc. He is survived by an extended family of many aunts, uncles, cousins, from Quebec and Florida as well as many loving friends from all over the world.
Jacob died doing what he loved while serving others in need. He was a fearless warrior who didn't hesitate to run toward danger to help others.
He loved his work with WCK as it married his military skills with his desire to serve as well as his adventurous spirit and love of travel and learning about other people and cultures. He valued his friendships deeply and was a loyal, trusted friend to many. He had an adventurous spirit and loved hunting, rock climbing, repelling, hiking, camping, and more. As a skilled military vet, he enjoyed using his knowledge and training to help others achieve their best selves or "peak performance," as he would put it. He worked as a personal trainer, life coach, mentor, survival guide, and more.
He was especially interested in working with and serving the military veterans.
Jacob valued family above all and had only recently started a family of his own with Sandy, whom he loved and cared for deeply. They had many plans, hopes and dreams together that will live on through Ms. Leclerc, their son, Jasper, and his mother and father.
A funeral procession began its journey at 1:30 p.m. from La maison Roy et Giguère Inc. located at 2550, 1st Avenue Clermont-Pépin, Saint-Georges, to the Saint-Georges Church (west sector), where the religious service was held on Friday, April 19th at 2 p.m
In lieu of flowers, you may express your sympathy contributing to Jacob's Go Fund Me campaign for his family. If you feel so moved please cut and paste this link to your browser https://gofund.me/bf043f2d
Mr. Jacob Alexander Flickinger was entrusted to the Crematorium of the Chaudière-Appalaches Memorial Park, 2455, 25th Street, Saint-Georges."
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Envoyer l'avis de
décès à un proche
La maison
Roy & Giguère Inc.
2550, 1re ave Clermont-Pépin
Saint-Georges (secteur ouest)
G5Y 3P2
418 228-2263
Entreprise affiliée à la Corporation des thanatologues du Québec